Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools for geometric calculations
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from pubsub import pub
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from shapely.geometry import Point
from import (

# "sets of points" objects
#     dictionaries using str(z) as keys
#         where z is the slice or z in DICOM coordinates
#         each item is a list of points representing a polygon,
#         each point is a 3-item list [x, y, z]

[docs]def union(rois): """Calculate the geometric union of the provided rois Parameters ---------- rois : list rois formatted as "sets of points" dictionaries Returns ------- dict a "sets of points" dictionary representing the union of the rois """ new_roi = {} all_z_values = [] for roi in rois: for z in list(roi): if z not in all_z_values: all_z_values.append(z) for z in all_z_values: if z not in list(new_roi): new_roi[z] = [] # Convert to shapely objects current_slice = None for roi in rois: # Make sure current roi has at least 3 points in z plane if z in list(roi) and len(roi[z][0]) > 2: if not current_slice: current_slice = points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[z]) else: current_slice = current_slice.union( points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[z]) ) if current_slice: if current_slice.type != "MultiPolygon": current_slice = [current_slice] for polygon in current_slice: xy = polygon.exterior.xy x_coord = xy[0] y_coord = xy[1] points = [] for i in range(len(x_coord)): points.append([x_coord[i], y_coord[i], round(float(z), 2)]) new_roi[z].append(points) if hasattr(polygon, "interiors"): for interior in polygon.interiors: xy = interior.coords.xy x_coord = xy[0] y_coord = xy[1] points = [] for i in range(len(x_coord)): points.append( [x_coord[i], y_coord[i], round(float(z), 2)] ) new_roi[z].append(points) else: # print('WARNING: no contour found for slice %s' % z) pass return new_roi
[docs]def min_distances_to_target(oar_coordinates, target_coordinates, factors=None): """Calculate all OAR-point-to-Target-point euclidean distances Parameters ---------- oar_coordinates : list numpy arrays of 3D points defining the surface of the OAR target_coordinates : list numpy arrays of 3D points defining the surface of the PTV factors : (Default value = None) Returns ------- list min_distances: all minimum distances (cm) of OAR-point-to-Target-point pairs """ min_distances = [] all_distances = cdist(oar_coordinates, target_coordinates, "euclidean") for i, oar_point in enumerate(all_distances): min_distances.append(float(np.min(oar_point) / 10.0)) if factors is not None: min_distances[i] *= factors[i] return min_distances
[docs]def is_point_inside_roi(point, roi): """Check if a point is within an ROI Parameters ---------- point : list x, y, z roi : dict roi: a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- bool Whether or not the point is within the roi """ z_keys = list(roi.keys()) roi_z = np.array([float(z) for z in z_keys]) if np.max(roi_z) > point[2] > np.min(roi_z): nearest_z_index = (np.abs(roi_z - point[2])).argmin() nearest_z_key = z_keys[nearest_z_index] shapely_roi = points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[nearest_z_key]) shapely_point = Point(point[0], point[1]) try: return shapely_point.within(shapely_roi) except Exception: pass return False
[docs]def cross_section(roi): """Calculate the cross section of a given roi Parameters ---------- roi : dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- dict max and median cross-sectional area of all slices in cm^2 """ areas = [] for z in list(roi): shapely_roi = points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[z]) if shapely_roi and shapely_roi.area > 0: slice_centroid = shapely_roi.centroid polygon_count = len(slice_centroid.xy[0]) for i in range(polygon_count): if polygon_count > 1: areas.append(shapely_roi[i].area) else: areas.append(shapely_roi.area) areas = np.array(areas) area = { "max": float(np.max(areas) / 100.0), "median": float(np.median(areas) / 100.0), } return area
[docs]def surface_area(coord, coord_type="dicompyler"): """Calculate the surface of a given roi Parameters ---------- coord : dicompyler structure coordinates from GetStructureCoordinates() or a sets_of_points dictionary coord_type : either 'dicompyler' or 'sets_of_points' (Default value = 'dicompyler') Returns ------- float surface_area in cm^2 """ # TODO: This surface area method needs validation, but likely needs to be corrected if coord_type == "sets_of_points": sets_of_points = coord else: sets_of_points = dicompyler_roi_to_sets_of_points(coord) shapely_roi = get_shapely_from_sets_of_points(sets_of_points) slice_count = len(shapely_roi["z"]) area = 0.0 polygon = shapely_roi["polygon"] z = shapely_roi["z"] thickness = min(shapely_roi["thickness"]) for i in range(slice_count): for j in [-1, 1]: # -1 for bottom area and 1 for top area # ensure bottom of first slice and top of last slice are fully added # if prev/next slice is not adjacent, assume non-contiguous ROI if ( (i == 0 and j == -1) or (i == slice_count - 1 and j == 1) or abs(z[i] - z[i + j]) > 2 * thickness ): area += polygon[i].area else: area += polygon[i].difference(polygon[i + j]).area area += polygon[i].length * thickness return round(area / 100, 3)
[docs]def overlap_volume(oar, tv): """Calculate the overlap volume of two rois Parameters ---------- oar : dict organ-at-risk as a "sets of points" formatted dictionary tv : dict treatment volume as a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- """ intersection_volume = 0.0 all_z_values = [round(float(z), 2) for z in list(tv)] all_z_values = np.sort(all_z_values) thicknesses = np.abs(np.diff(all_z_values)) if len(thicknesses) > 0: thicknesses = np.append(thicknesses, np.min(thicknesses)) all_z_values = all_z_values.tolist() for z in list(tv): # z in coord will not necessarily go in order of z, convert z to float to lookup thickness # also used to check for top and bottom slices, to add area of those contours if z in list(oar): thickness = thicknesses[all_z_values.index(round(float(z), 2))] shapely_tv = points_to_shapely_polygon(tv[z]) shapely_oar = points_to_shapely_polygon(oar[z]) if shapely_oar and shapely_tv: intersection_volume += ( shapely_tv.intersection(shapely_oar).area * thickness ) return round(intersection_volume / 1000.0, 2) return 0.0
[docs]def volume(roi): """ Parameters ---------- roi : a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- float volume in cm^3 of roi """ # oar and ptv are lists using str(z) as keys # each item is an ordered list of points representing a polygon # polygon n is inside polygon n-1, then the current accumulated polygon is # polygon n subtracted from the accumulated polygon up to and including polygon n-1 # Same method DICOM uses to handle rings and islands vol = 0.0 all_z_values = [round(float(z), 2) for z in list(roi)] all_z_values = np.sort(all_z_values) thicknesses = np.abs(np.diff(all_z_values)) thicknesses = np.append(thicknesses, np.min(thicknesses)) all_z_values = all_z_values.tolist() for z in list(roi): # z in coord will not necessarily go in order of z, convert z to float to lookup thickness # also used to check for top and bottom slices, to add area of those contours thickness = thicknesses[all_z_values.index(round(float(z), 2))] shapely_roi = points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[z]) if shapely_roi: vol += shapely_roi.area * thickness return round(vol / 1000.0, 2)
[docs]def centroid(roi): """ Parameters ---------- roi : a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- list centroid or the roi in x, y, z dicom coordinates (mm) """ centroids = {"x": [], "y": [], "z": [], "area": []} for z in list(roi): shapely_roi = points_to_shapely_polygon(roi[z]) if shapely_roi and shapely_roi.area > 0: slice_centroid = shapely_roi.centroid polygon_count = len(slice_centroid.xy[0]) for i in range(polygon_count): centroids["x"].append(slice_centroid.xy[0][i]) centroids["y"].append(slice_centroid.xy[1][i]) centroids["z"].append(float(z)) if polygon_count > 1: centroids["area"].append(shapely_roi[i].area) else: centroids["area"].append(shapely_roi.area) x = np.array(centroids["x"]) y = np.array(centroids["y"]) z = np.array(centroids["z"]) w = np.array(centroids["area"]) w_sum = np.sum(w) volumetric_centroid = [ float(np.sum(x * w) / w_sum), float(np.sum(y * w) / w_sum), float(np.sum(z * w) / w_sum), ] return volumetric_centroid
[docs]def spread(roi): """ Parameters ---------- roi : a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- list x, y, z dimensions of a rectangular prism encompassing roi """ all_points = {"x": [], "y": [], "z": []} for z in list(roi): for polygon in roi[z]: for point in polygon: all_points["x"].append(point[0]) all_points["y"].append(point[1]) all_points["z"].append(point[2]) all_points = { "x": np.array(all_points["x"]), "y": np.array(all_points["y"]), "z": np.array(all_points["z"]), } if len(all_points["x"] > 1): data = [ abs(float(np.max(all_points[dim]) - np.min(all_points[dim]))) / 10.0 for dim in ["x", "y", "z"] ] else: data = [0, 0, 0] return data
[docs]def dth(min_distances): """ Parameters ---------- min_distances : the output from min_distances_to_target Returns ------- numpy.array histogram of distances in 1mm bin widths """ min_distances = 10.0 * np.array(min_distances) max_abs_value = int(ceil(np.max(np.abs(min_distances)))) data, bins = np.histogram( min_distances, bins=max_abs_value * 2 + 1, range=(-max_abs_value - 1, max_abs_value), ) return np.divide(data, np.sum(data))
[docs]def process_dth_string(dth_string): """Convert a dth_string from the database into data and bins DVHA stores 1-mm binned surface DTHs with an odd number of bins, middle bin is 0. Parameters ---------- dth_string : a value from the dth_string column Returns ------- type counts, bin positions (mm) """ counts = np.array(dth_string.split(","), dtype=np.float) max_bin = (len(counts) - 1) / 2 bins = np.linspace(-max_bin, max_bin, len(counts)) return bins, counts
[docs]def planes_to_voxel_centers(planes, res=1, max_progress=None): """Convert a sets of points into a 3D voxel centers within ROI Parameters ---------- planes : dict a "sets of points" dictionary representing the union of the rois res : float resolution factor for voxels max_progress : float if not None, set the maximum progress bar value (with update_dvh_progress) Returns ------- list A list of 3D points inside the ROI defined by ``planes`` """ shapely_data = get_shapely_from_sets_of_points(planes) points = [] z_total = float(len(shapely_data["polygon"])) for z_index, polygon in enumerate(shapely_data["polygon"]): bounds = polygon.bounds range_x = bounds[2] - bounds[0] range_y = bounds[3] - bounds[1] axes = [ np.arange(range_x / res) * res + bounds[0] + res / 2.0, np.arange(range_y / res) * res + bounds[1] + res / 2.0, ] y, x = np.meshgrid(axes[1], axes[0]) grid = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel())).T for point in grid: if Point(point[0], point[1]).within(polygon): z = shapely_data["z"][z_index] points.append((point[0], point[1], z)) progress = max_progress * z_index / z_total if max_progress is not None: pub.sendMessage("update_dvh_progress", msg=progress) return points