Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Formatting tools for roi data (dicompyler, Shapely, DVHA)"""
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at

from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, MultiPolygon
from shapely import speedups
import numpy as np

# "sets of points" objects
#     dictionaries using str(z) as keys
#         where z is the slice or z in DICOM coordinates
#         each item is a list of points representing a polygon,
#         each point is a 3-item list [x, y, z]
# roi_coord_string from the SQL database
#     Each contour is delimited with a ':'
#         For example, ring ROIs will have an outer contour with a negative
#         inner contour
#     Each contour is a csv of of x,y,z values in the following format
#         z,x1,y1,x2,y2...xn,yn
#         Each contour has the same z coordinate for all points

MIN_SLICE_THICKNESS = 2  # Update method to pull from DICOM

# Enable shapely calculations using C, as opposed to the C++ default
if speedups.available:

[docs]def get_planes_from_string(roi_coord_string): """ Parameters ---------- roi_coord_string : string: str roi string representation of an roi as formatted in the SQL database Returns ------- dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary """ planes = {} contours = roi_coord_string.split(":") for contour in contours: contour = contour.split(",") z = contour.pop(0) z = round(float(z), 2) z_str = str(z) if z_str not in list(planes): planes[z_str] = [] i, points = 0, [] while i < len(contour): point = [float(contour[i]), float(contour[i + 1]), z] points.append(point) i += 2 planes[z_str].append(points) return planes
[docs]def points_to_shapely_polygon(sets_of_points): """ Parameters ---------- sets_of_points : dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- type a composite polygon as a shapely object (either polygon or multipolygon) """ composite_polygon = None for set_of_points in sets_of_points: if len(set_of_points) > 3: points = [(point[0], point[1]) for point in set_of_points] points.append( points[0] ) # Explicitly connect the final point to the first # if there are multiple sets of points in a slice, each set is a polygon, # interior polygons are subtractions, exterior are addition # Only need to check one point for interior vs exterior current_polygon = Polygon(points).buffer(0) # clean stray points if composite_polygon: if Point((points[0][0], points[0][1])).disjoint( composite_polygon ): composite_polygon = composite_polygon.union( current_polygon ) else: composite_polygon = composite_polygon.symmetric_difference( current_polygon ) else: composite_polygon = current_polygon return composite_polygon
[docs]def get_roi_coordinates_from_string(roi_coord_string): """ Parameters ---------- roi_coord_string : string: str roi string representation of an roi as formatted in the SQL database Returns ------- list a list of numpy arrays, each array is the x, y, z coordinates of the given point """ roi_coordinates = [] contours = roi_coord_string.split(":") for contour in contours: contour = contour.split(",") z = contour.pop(0) z = float(z) i = 0 while i < len(contour): roi_coordinates.append( np.array((float(contour[i]), float(contour[i + 1]), z)) ) i += 2 return roi_coordinates
[docs]def get_roi_coordinates_from_planes(sets_of_points): """ Parameters ---------- sets_of_points : dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary Returns ------- list a list of numpy arrays, each array is the x, y, z coordinates of the given point """ roi_coordinates = [] for z in list(sets_of_points): for polygon in sets_of_points[z]: for point in polygon: roi_coordinates.append( np.array((point[0], point[1], point[2])) ) return roi_coordinates
[docs]def get_roi_coordinates_from_shapely(shapely_dict, sample_res=None): """ Parameters ---------- shapely_dict : dict output from get_shapely_from_sets_of_points sample_res : int, float If set to a numeric value, sample each polygon with this resolution (mm) Returns ------- list a list of numpy arrays, each array is the x, y, z coordinates of the given point """ roi_coordinates = [] for i, shape in enumerate(shapely_dict["polygon"]): multi_polygon = shape if isinstance(shape, MultiPolygon) else [shape] for polygon in multi_polygon: if isinstance(sample_res, (int, float)): x, y = get_contour_sample(polygon, sample_res) else: x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy for j, point_x in enumerate(x): roi_coordinates.append( np.array((point_x, y[j], shapely_dict["z"][i])) ) return roi_coordinates
[docs]def dicompyler_roi_coord_to_db_string(coord): """ Parameters ---------- coord : dicompyler structure coordinates from GetStructureCoordinates() Returns ------- str roi string representation of an roi as formatted in the SQL database (roi_coord_string) """ contours = [] for z in coord: for plane in coord[z]: points = [z] for point in plane["data"]: points.append(str(round(point[0], 3))) points.append(str(round(point[1], 3))) contours.append(",".join(points)) return ":".join(contours)
[docs]def get_shapely_from_sets_of_points(sets_of_points, tolerance=None, preserve_topology=True): """ Parameters ---------- sets_of_points : dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary tolerance : bool, optional If set to a number, will use Shapely's simplify on each contour with the given tolerance preserve_topology : bool, optional Passed to Shapely's simplify if ``simplify_tolerance`` is set Returns ------- dict roi_slices which is a dictionary of lists of z, thickness, and a Shapely Polygon class object """ roi_slices = {"z": [], "thickness": [], "polygon": []} sets_of_points_keys = list(sets_of_points) sets_of_points_keys.sort() all_z_values = [round(float(z), 2) for z in sets_of_points_keys] thicknesses = np.abs(np.diff(all_z_values)) if len(thicknesses): thicknesses = np.append(thicknesses, np.min(thicknesses)) else: thicknesses = np.array([MIN_SLICE_THICKNESS]) for z in sets_of_points: thickness = thicknesses[all_z_values.index(round(float(z), 2))] shapely_roi = points_to_shapely_polygon(sets_of_points[z]) if shapely_roi: if tolerance is not None: shapely_roi = shapely_roi.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology) roi_slices["z"].append(round(float(z), 2)) roi_slices["thickness"].append(thickness) roi_slices["polygon"].append(shapely_roi) return roi_slices
[docs]def dicompyler_roi_to_sets_of_points(coord): """ Parameters ---------- coord : dicompyler structure coordinates from GetStructureCoordinates() Returns ------- dict a "sets of points" formatted dictionary """ all_points = {} for z in coord: all_points[z] = [] for plane in coord[z]: plane_points = [ [float(point[0]), float(point[1])] for point in plane["data"] ] for point in plane["data"]: plane_points.append([float(point[0]), float(point[1])]) if len(plane_points) > 2: all_points[z].append(plane_points) return all_points
[docs]def get_contour_sample(polygon, dth_res=0.5) -> tuple: """Get 3D points uniformly distributed in the perimeter space Parameters ---------- polygon : Polygon shapely object dth_res : int, float Sampling distance in perimeter space (mm) Returns ------- np.ndarray x coordinates of sampled contour np.ndarray y coordinates of sampled contour """ # Get coordinates of polygon and index array x, y = polygon.exterior.coords.xy indices = np.arange(len(x)) # cumulative path length s = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(x) ** 2 + np.diff(y) ** 2)) num_samples = int(np.floor(s[-1] / dth_res)) # path length space sample_s = np.arange(num_samples) * dth_res # path length space to index space sample_i = np.interp(sample_s, s, indices[1:]) # Get x and y coordinates of sampled index space sample_x = np.interp(sample_i, indices, x) sample_y = np.interp(sample_i, indices, y) return sample_x, sample_y