Source code for dvha.models.dvh

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Class to retrieve DVH data from SQL, calculate parameters dependent on DVHs, and extract plotting data
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at

from copy import deepcopy
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parser
import numpy as np
from dvha.db.sql_connector import DVH_SQL
from dvha.db.sql_to_python import QuerySQL
from dvha.options import Options


# This class retrieves DVH data from the SQL database and calculates statistical DVHs (min, max, quartiles)
# It also provides some inspection tools of the retrieved data
[docs]class DVH: """This class will retrieve DVHs and other data in the DVH SQL table meeting the given constraints, it will also parse the DVH_string into python lists and retrieve the associated Rx dose Parameters ---------- uid : list study_instance_uid's to be included in results dvh_condition : str a string in SQL syntax applied to a DVH Table query dvh_bin_width : int retrieve every nth value from dvh_string in SQL group : int either 1 or 2 """ def __init__(self, uid=None, dvh_condition=None, dvh_bin_width=5, group=1): self.dvh_bin_width = dvh_bin_width constraints_str = "" if uid: constraints_str = "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "', '".join(uid) if dvh_condition: constraints_str = "(%s) and %s" % ( dvh_condition, constraints_str, ) elif dvh_condition: constraints_str = dvh_condition # Get DVH data from SQL and set as attributes dvh_data = QuerySQL("DVHs", constraints_str, group=group) if dvh_data.mrn: ignored_keys = { "cnx", "cursor", "table_name", "constraints_str", "condition_str", } self.keys = [] for key, value in dvh_data.__dict__.items(): if not key.startswith("__") and key not in ignored_keys: if key == "dvh_string": dvh_split = [ dvh.split(",")[:: self.dvh_bin_width] for dvh in value ] setattr(self, key, value) if "_string" not in key: self.keys.append(key) # Move mrn to beginning of self.keys if "mrn" in self.keys: self.keys.pop(self.keys.index("mrn")) self.keys.insert(0, "mrn") # uid passed into DVH init is a unique list for querying and it is not in order of query results self.uid = self.study_instance_uid # Add these properties to dvh_data since they aren't in the DVHs SQL table self.count = len(self.mrn) self.study_count = len(set(self.uid)) self.rx_dose = self.get_plan_values("rx_dose") self.sim_study_date = self.get_plan_values("sim_study_date") self.keys.append("rx_dose") self.endpoints = {"data": None, "defs": None} self.eud = None self.ntcp_or_tcp = None self.bin_count = max([len(dvh) for dvh in dvh_split]) self.dvh = np.zeros([self.bin_count, self.count]) # Get needed values not in DVHs table for i in range(self.count): # Process dvh_string to numpy array, and pad with zeros at the end # so that all dvhs are the same length current_dvh = np.array(dvh_split[i], dtype=np.float) current_dvh_max = np.max(current_dvh) if current_dvh_max > 0: current_dvh = np.divide(current_dvh, current_dvh_max) zero_fill = np.zeros(self.bin_count - len(current_dvh)) self.dvh[:, i] = np.concatenate((current_dvh, zero_fill)) self.dth = [] for i in range(self.count): # Process dth_string to numpy array try: self.dth.append( np.array(self.dth_string[i].split(","), dtype=np.float) ) except Exception: self.dth.append(np.array([0])) # Store these now so they can be saved in DVH object without needing to query later with DVH_SQL() as cnx: self.physician_count = len( cnx.get_unique_values( "Plans", "physician", "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "','".join(self.uid), ) ) self.total_fxs = self.get_plan_values("fxs") self.fx_dose = self.get_rx_values("fx_dose") else: self.count = 0
[docs] def get_plan_values(self, plan_column): """Get values from the Plans table and store in order matching mrn / study_instance_uid Parameters ---------- plan_column : str name of the SQL column to be returned Returns ------- list values from the Plans table for the DVHs stored in this class """ with DVH_SQL() as cnx: condition = "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "','".join( self.study_instance_uid ) data = cnx.query( "Plans", "study_instance_uid, %s" % plan_column, condition ) force_date = cnx.is_sqlite_column_datetime( "Plans", plan_column ) # returns False for pgsql uids = [row[0] for row in data] values = [row[1] for row in data] if force_date: # sqlite does not have date or time like variables for i, value in enumerate(values): try: if type(value) is int: values[i] = str(date_parser(str(value))) else: values[i] = str(date_parser(value)) except Exception: values[i] = "None" return [values[uids.index(uid)] for uid in self.study_instance_uid]
[docs] def get_rx_values(self, rx_column): """Get values from the Rxs table and store in order matching mrn / study_instance_uid Parameters ---------- rx_column : str name of the SQL column to be returned Returns ------- list values from the Rxs table for the DVHs stored in this class """ with DVH_SQL() as cnx: condition = "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "','".join( self.study_instance_uid ) data = cnx.query( "Rxs", "study_instance_uid, %s" % rx_column, condition ) uids = [row[0] for row in data] values = [row[1] for row in data] final_values = {} for i, uid in enumerate(uids): if uid in list(values): final_values[uid] = "%s,%s" % (final_values[uid], values[i]) else: final_values[uid] = str(values[i]) return [final_values[uid] for uid in self.study_instance_uid]
@property def x_axis(self): """Get the x-axis for plotting Returns ------- list Dose axis """ bins, width = self.bin_count, self.dvh_bin_width return np.add(np.arange(bins) * width, width / 2.0).tolist() @property def x_data(self): """Get the x-axes for plotting (one row per DVH) Returns ------- list x data for plotting """ return [self.x_axis] * self.count @property def y_data(self): """Get y-values of the DVHs Returns ------- list all DVHs in order (i.e., same as mrn, study_instance_uid) """ return [self.dvh[:, i].tolist() for i in range(self.count)]
[docs] def get_cds_data(self, keys=None): """Get data from this class in a format compatible with bokeh's Parameters ---------- keys : list, optional Specify a list of DVH properties to be included Returns ------- dict data from this class """ if not keys: keys = self.keys # TODO: Is deepcopy needed here? return deepcopy({key: getattr(self, key) for key in keys})
[docs] def get_percentile_dvh(self, percentile): """Get a population DVH based on percentile Parameters ---------- percentile : float the percentile to calculate for each dose-bin. Passed into np.percentile() Returns ------- np.ndarray a single DVH such that each bin is the given percentile of each bin over the whole sample """ return np.percentile(self.dvh, percentile, 1)
[docs] def get_dose_to_volume( self, volume, volume_scale="absolute", dose_scale="absolute", compliment=False, ): """Get the minimum dose to a specified volume Parameters ---------- volume : int, float the specified volume in cm^3 volume_scale : str, optional either 'relative' or 'absolute' dose_scale : str, optional either 'relative' or 'absolute' compliment : bool, optional return the max dose - value Returns ------- list the dose in Gy to the specified volume """ doses = np.zeros(self.count) for x in range(self.count): dvh = np.zeros(len(self.dvh)) for y in range(len(self.dvh)): dvh[y] = self.dvh[y][x] if volume_scale == "relative": doses[x] = dose_to_volume( dvh, volume, dvh_bin_width=self.dvh_bin_width ) else: if self.volume[x]: doses[x] = dose_to_volume( dvh, volume / self.volume[x], dvh_bin_width=self.dvh_bin_width, ) else: doses[x] = 0 if dose_scale == "relative": if self.rx_dose[0]: doses = np.divide(doses * 100, self.rx_dose[0 : self.count]) else: self.rx_dose[ 0 ] = 1 # if review dvh isn't defined, the following line would crash doses = np.divide(doses * 100, self.rx_dose[0 : self.count]) self.rx_dose[0] = 0 doses[0] = 0 if compliment: if dose_scale == "absolute": doses = self.max_dose[0 : self.count] - doses else: doses = 100.0 * np.divide(self.max_dose[0 : self.count], self.rx_dose) - doses return doses.tolist()
[docs] def get_volume_of_dose( self, dose, dose_scale="absolute", volume_scale="absolute", compliment=False, ): """Get the volume of an isodose contour defined by ``dose`` Parameters ---------- dose : int, float input dose use to calculate a volume of dose for entire sample dose_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' volume_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' compliment : bool, optional return the ROI volume - value Returns ------- list a list of V_dose """ volumes = np.zeros(self.count) for x in range(self.count): dvh = np.zeros(len(self.dvh)) for y in range(len(self.dvh)): dvh[y] = self.dvh[y][x] if dose_scale == "relative": if isinstance(self.rx_dose[x], str): volumes[x] = 0 else: volumes[x] = volume_of_dose( dvh, dose * self.rx_dose[x], dvh_bin_width=self.dvh_bin_width, ) else: volumes[x] = volume_of_dose( dvh, dose, dvh_bin_width=self.dvh_bin_width ) if volume_scale == "absolute": volumes = np.multiply(volumes, self.volume[0 : self.count]) else: volumes = np.multiply(volumes, 100.0) if compliment: if volume_scale == "absolute": volumes = self.volume[0 : self.count] - volumes else: volumes = 100.0 * np.ones(self.count) - volumes return volumes.tolist()
[docs] def get_resampled_x_axis(self, resampled_bin_count=5000): """Get the x_axis of a resampled dvh Parameters ---------- resampled_bin_count : int, optional Specify the number of bins used Returns ------- np.ndarray the x axis of a resampled dvh """ x_axis, dvhs = self.resample_dvh( resampled_bin_count=resampled_bin_count ) return x_axis
[docs] def get_stat_dvh( self, stat_type="mean", dose_scale="absolute", volume_scale="relative" ): """Get population DVH by statistical function Parameters ---------- stat_type : str either 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'max', or 'std' dose_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' volume_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' Returns ------- np.ndarray a single dvh where each bin is the stat_type of each bin for the entire sample """ if dose_scale == "relative": x_axis, dvhs = self.resample_dvh() else: dvhs = self.dvh if volume_scale == "absolute": dvhs = self.dvhs_to_abs_vol(dvhs) stat_function = { "min": np.min, "mean": np.mean, "median": np.median, "max": np.max, "std": np.std, } dvh = stat_function[stat_type](dvhs, 1) return dvh
[docs] def get_standard_stat_dvh( self, dose_scale="absolute", volume_scale="relative" ): """Get a min, mean, median, max, and quartiles DVHs Parameters ---------- dose_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' volume_scale : str, optional either 'absolute' or 'relative' Returns ------- dict a standard set of statistical dvhs ('min', 'q1', 'mean', 'median', 'q1', and 'max') """ if dose_scale == "relative": x_axis, dvhs = self.resample_dvh() else: dvhs = self.dvh if volume_scale == "absolute": dvhs = self.dvhs_to_abs_vol(dvhs) standard_stat_dvh = { "min": np.min(dvhs, 1), "q1": np.percentile(dvhs, 25, 1), "mean": np.mean(dvhs, 1), "median": np.median(dvhs, 1), "q3": np.percentile(dvhs, 75, 1), "max": np.max(dvhs, 1), } return standard_stat_dvh
[docs] def dvhs_to_abs_vol(self, dvhs): """Get DVHs in absolute volume Parameters ---------- dvhs : np.ndarray relative DVHs (dvh[bin, roi_index]) Returns ------- np.ndarray absolute DVHs """ return np.multiply(dvhs, self.volume)
[docs] def resample_dvh(self, resampled_bin_count=5000): """Resample DVHs with a new bin count Parameters ---------- resampled_bin_count : int Number of bins in reampled DVH Returns ------- tuple x-axis, y-axis of resampled DVHs """ min_rx_dose = np.min(self.rx_dose) * 100.0 new_bin_count = int( np.divide(float(self.bin_count), min_rx_dose) * resampled_bin_count ) x1 = np.linspace(0, self.bin_count, self.bin_count) y2 = np.zeros([new_bin_count, self.count]) for i in range(self.count): x2 = np.multiply( np.linspace(0, new_bin_count, new_bin_count), self.rx_dose[i] * 100.0 / resampled_bin_count, ) y2[:, i] = np.interp(x2, x1, self.dvh[:, i]) x2 = np.divide( np.linspace(0, new_bin_count - 1, new_bin_count) + 0.5, resampled_bin_count, ) return x2, y2
[docs] def get_summary(self): """Get a summary of the data in this class. Used in bottom left of main GUI Returns ------- str Summary data """ summary = [ "Study count: %s" % self.study_count, "DVH count: %s" % self.count, "Institutional ROI count: %s" % len(set(self.institutional_roi)), "Physician ROI count: %s" % len(set(self.physician_roi)), "ROI type count: %s" % len(set(self.roi_type)), "Physician count: %s" % self.physician_count, "\nMin, Mean, Max", "Rx dose (Gy): %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % ( min(self.rx_dose), sum(self.rx_dose) / self.count, max(self.rx_dose), ), "Volume (cc): %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % ( min(self.volume), sum(self.volume) / self.count, max(self.volume), ), "Min dose (Gy): %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % ( min(self.min_dose), sum(self.min_dose) / self.count, max(self.min_dose), ), "Mean dose (Gy): %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % ( min(self.mean_dose), sum(self.mean_dose) / self.count, max(self.mean_dose), ), "Max dose (Gy): %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" % ( min(self.max_dose), sum(self.max_dose) / self.count, max(self.max_dose), ), ] return "\n".join(summary)
@property def has_data(self): """Check that this class has queried data Returns ------- bool True if there is data returned from SQL """ return bool(len(self.mrn))
# Returns the isodose level outlining the given volume
[docs]def dose_to_volume(dvh, rel_volume, dvh_bin_width=1): """Calculate the minimum dose to a relative volume for one DVH Parameters ---------- dvh : np.ndarray a single dvh rel_volume : float fractional volume dvh_bin_width : int, optional dose bin width of dvh Returns ------- float minimum dose in Gy of specified volume """ # Return the maximum dose instead of extrapolating if rel_volume < dvh[-1]: return len(dvh) * dvh_bin_width * 0.01 dose_high = np.argmax(dvh < rel_volume) y = rel_volume x_range = [dose_high - 1, dose_high] y_range = [dvh[dose_high - 1], dvh[dose_high]] dose = np.interp(y, y_range, x_range) * dvh_bin_width * 0.01 return dose
[docs]def volume_of_dose(dvh, dose, dvh_bin_width=1): """Calculate the relative volume of an isodose line definted by ``dose`` for one DVH Parameters ---------- dvh : np.ndarray a single dvh dose : float dose in cGy dvh_bin_width : int, optional dose bin width of dvh Returns ------- float volume in cm^3 of roi receiving at least the specified dose """ x = [ int(np.floor(dose / dvh_bin_width * 100)), int(np.ceil(dose / dvh_bin_width * 100)), ] if len(dvh) < x[1]: return dvh[-1] y = [dvh[x[0]], dvh[x[1]]] roi_volume = np.interp(float(dose) / dvh_bin_width, x, y) return roi_volume
[docs]def calc_eud(dvh, a, dvh_bin_width=1): """EUD = sum[ v(i) * D(i)^a ] ^ [1/a] Parameters ---------- dvh : np.ndarray a single DVH as a list of numpy 1D array with 1cGy bins a : float standard a-value for EUD calculations, organ and dose fractionation specific dvh_bin_width : int, optional dose bin width of dvh Returns ------- float equivalent uniform dose """ v = -np.gradient(dvh) dose_bins = np.linspace(0, np.size(dvh), np.size(dvh)) dose_bins = np.round(dose_bins, 3) * dvh_bin_width bin_centers = dose_bins - (dvh_bin_width / 2.0) eud = np.power( np.sum(np.multiply(v, np.power(bin_centers, a))), 1.0 / float(a) ) eud = np.round(eud, 2) * 0.01 return eud
[docs]def calc_tcp(gamma, td_tcd, eud): """Tumor Control Probability / Normal Tissue Complication Probability 1.0 / (1.0 + (``td_tcd`` / ``eud``) ^ (4.0 * ``gamma``)) Parameters ---------- gamma : float Gamma_50 td_tcd : float Either TD_50 or TCD_50 eud : float equivalent uniform dose Returns ------- float TCP or NTCP """ return 1.0 / (1.0 + (td_tcd / eud) ** (4.0 * gamma))