Source code for dvha.db.sql_connector

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Tools used to communicate with the SQL database"""
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at

from wx import CallAfter
import psycopg2
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parser
from os.path import dirname, join, isfile
from dvha.db.sql_columns import categorical, numerical
from dvha.options import Options
from import SQLError, push_to_log
import json

[docs]class DVH_SQL: """This class is used to communicate to the SQL database Parameters ---------- config : dict optional SQL login credentials, stored values used if nothing provided. Allowed keys are 'host', 'port', 'dbname', 'user', 'password' db_type : str, optional either 'pgsql' or 'sqlite' group : int, optional use a group-specific connection, either 1 or 2 """ def __init__(self, *config, db_type=None, group=1): stored_options = Options() if config: self.db_type = db_type if db_type is not None else "pgsql" config = config[0] else: # Read SQL configuration file if group == 2 and stored_options.SYNC_SQL_CNX: group = 1 self.db_type = ( stored_options.DB_TYPE_GRPS[group] if db_type is None else db_type ) config = stored_options.SQL_LAST_CNX_GRPS[group][self.db_type] if self.db_type == "sqlite": db_file_path = config["host"] if not dirname( db_file_path ): # file_path has not directory, assume it lives in DATA_DIR db_file_path = join(DATA_DIR, db_file_path) self.db_name = None self.cnx = sqlite3.connect(db_file_path) else: self.db_name = config["dbname"] self.cnx = psycopg2.connect(**config) self.cursor = self.cnx.cursor() self.tables = ["DVHs", "Plans", "Rxs", "Beams", "DICOM_Files"] def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, ctx_type, ctx_value, ctx_traceback): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the SQL DB connection""" self.cnx.close()
[docs] def execute_file(self, sql_file_name): """Executes lines within provided text file to SQL Parameters ---------- sql_file_name : str absolute file path of a text file containing SQL commands """ for line in open(sql_file_name): if not line.startswith("--"): # ignore commented lines self.cursor.execute(line) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def execute_str(self, command_str): """Execute and commit a string in proper SQL syntax, can handle multiple lines split by \n Parameters ---------- command_str : str command or commands to be executed and committed """ for line in command_str.split("\n"): if line: self.cursor.execute(line) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def check_table_exists(self, table_name): """Check if a table exists Parameters ---------- table_name : st the SQL table to check Returns ------- bool True if ``table_name`` exists """ self.cursor.execute( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '{0}' """.format( table_name.replace("'", "''") ) ) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] == 1
[docs] def query(self, table_name, return_col_str, *condition_str, **kwargs): """A generalized query function for DVHA Parameters ---------- table_name : str DVHs', 'Plans', 'Rxs', 'Beams', or 'DICOM_Files' return_col_str : str: str a csv of SQL columns to be returned condition_str : str: str a condition in SQL syntax kwargs : optional parameters order, order_by, and bokeh_cds Returns ------- list, dict Returns a list of lists by default, or a dict of lists if bokeh_cds in kwargs and is true """ order, order_by = None, None if kwargs: if "order" in kwargs: order = kwargs["order"] if "order_by" in kwargs: order_by = kwargs["order_by"] if not order: order = "ASC" query = "Select %s from %s;" % (return_col_str, table_name) if condition_str and condition_str[0]: query = "Select %s from %s where %s;" % ( return_col_str, table_name, condition_str[0], ) if order and order_by: query = "%s Order By %s %s;" % (query[:-1], order_by, order) try: self.cursor.execute(query) results = self.cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e: raise SQLError(str(e), query) if "bokeh_cds" in kwargs and kwargs["bokeh_cds"]: keys = [c.strip() for c in return_col_str.split(",")] results = { key: [results[r][i] for r in range(len(results))] for i, key in enumerate(keys) } for key in list(results): if "time" in key or "date" in key: results[key] = [str(value) for value in results[key]] return results
[docs] def query_generic(self, query_str): """A generic query function that executes the provided string Parameters ---------- query_str : str SQL command Returns ------- list Results of ``cursor.fetchall()`` """ self.cursor.execute(query_str) return self.cursor.fetchall()
@property def now(self): """Get a datetime object for now Returns ------- datetime The current time reported by the database """ return self.query_generic("SELECT %s" % self.sql_cmd_now)[0][0] @property def sql_cmd_now(self): """Get the SQL command for now, based on database type Returns ------- str SQL command for now """ if self.db_type == "sqlite": sql_cmd = "strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now', 'localtime')" else: sql_cmd = "NOW()" return sql_cmd
[docs] def process_value(self, value): try: float(value) value_is_numeric = True except ValueError: value_is_numeric = False if "::date" in str(value): amend_type = ["", "::date"][ self.db_type == "pgsql" ] # sqlite3 does not support ::date value = "'%s'%s" % ( value.strip("::date"), amend_type, ) # augment value for postgresql date formatting elif value_is_numeric: value = str(value) elif "null" == str(value.lower()): value = "NULL" else: value = "'%s'" % str(value) # need quotes to input a string return value
[docs] def update(self, table_name, column, value, condition_str): """Change the data in the database Parameters ---------- table_name : str DVHs', 'Plans', 'Rxs', 'Beams', or 'DICOM_Files' column : str SQL column to be updated value : str, float, int value to be set condition_str : str a condition in SQL syntax """ self.update_multicolumn(table_name, [column], [value], condition_str)
[docs] def update_multicolumn(self, table_name, columns, values, condition_str): """Change the data in the database Parameters ---------- table_name : str DVHs', 'Plans', 'Rxs', 'Beams', or 'DICOM_Files' columns : list list of SQL column to be updated values : list list value to be set condition_str : str a condition in SQL syntax """ values = [self.process_value(v) for v in values] set_str = [f"{columns[i]} = {value}" for i, value in enumerate(values)] set_str = ','.join(set_str) update = f"Update {table_name} SET {set_str} WHERE {condition_str}" try: self.cursor.execute(update) self.cnx.commit() except Exception as e: push_to_log(e, msg="Database update failure!")
[docs] def is_study_instance_uid_in_table(self, table_name, study_instance_uid): """Check if a study instance uid exists in the provided table Parameters ---------- table_name : str SQL table name study_instance_uid : str study instance uid Returns ------- bool True if ``study_instance_uid`` exists in the study_instance_uid column of ``table_name`` """ # As of DVH v0.7.5, study_instance_uid may end with _N where N is the # nth plan of a file set query = ( "SELECT DISTINCT study_instance_uid FROM %s WHERE " "study_instance_uid LIKE '%s%%';" % (table_name, study_instance_uid) ) self.cursor.execute(query) results = self.cursor.fetchall() return bool(results)
[docs] def is_mrn_in_table(self, table_name, mrn): """ Parameters ---------- table_name : str SQL table name mrn : str medical record number Returns ------- bool True if ``mrn`` exists in the mrn column of ``table_name`` """ return self.is_value_in_table(table_name, mrn, "mrn")
[docs] def is_value_in_table(self, table_name, value, column): """Check if a str value exists in a SQL table Parameters ---------- table_name : sr SQL table name value : str value of interest (str only) column : SQL table column Returns ------- bool True if ``value`` exists in ``table_name.column`` """ query = "Select Distinct %s from %s where %s = '%s';" % ( column, table_name, column, value, ) self.cursor.execute(query) results = self.cursor.fetchall() return bool(results)
[docs] def insert_row(self, table, row): """Generic function to import data to the database Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table name row : dict data returned from DICOM_Parser.get_<table>_row() """ columns = list(row) allowed_columns = self.get_column_names(table) used_columns = [] values = [] for column in columns: if column in allowed_columns: used_columns.append(column) if ( row[column] is None or row[column][0] is None or row[column][0] == "" ): if column == "import_time_stamp": values.append(self.sql_cmd_now) else: values.append("NULL") else: value = row[column][0] value_type = row[column][1] if "varchar" in value_type: max_length = int( value_type.replace("varchar(", "").replace(")", "") ) values.append( "'%s'" % truncate_string(value, max_length) ) elif value_type in {"time_stamp", "date"}: date = date_parser(value) value = if value_type == "time_stamp": value = "%s %s" % (value, date.time()) if ( self.db_type == "pgsql" ): # sqlite3 does not support ::date values.append("'%s'::date" % value) else: values.append("'%s'" % value) else: values.append("'%s'" % value) else: msg = ( "Failed to update SQL column %s in table %s, " "it does not exist" % (column, table) ) push_to_log(msg=msg) cmd = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);\n" % ( table, ",".join(used_columns), ",".join(values), ) self.execute_str(cmd)
[docs] def insert_data_set(self, data_set): """Insert an entire data set for a plan Parameters ---------- data_set : dict a dictionary of data with table names for keys, and a list of row data for values """ for key in list(data_set): for row in data_set[key]: self.insert_row(key, row)
[docs] def get_dicom_file_paths(self, mrn=None, uid=None): """Lookup the dicom file paths of imported data Parameters ---------- mrn : str, optional medical record number uid : str, optional study instance uid Returns ------- list Query return from DICOM_Files table """ condition = None if uid: condition = "study_instance_uid = '%s'" % uid elif mrn: condition = "mrn = '%s'" % mrn if condition is not None: columns = ( "mrn, study_instance_uid, folder_path, plan_file, " "structure_file, dose_file" ) return self.query( "DICOM_Files", columns, condition, bokeh_cds=True )
[docs] def delete_rows(self, condition_str, ignore_tables=None): """Delete all rows from all tables not in ignore_table for a given condition. Useful when deleting a plan/patient Parameters ---------- condition_str : str: str a condition in SQL syntax ignore_tables : list, optional tables to be excluded from row deletions """ tables = set(self.tables) if ignore_tables: tables = tables - set(ignore_tables) for table in tables: self.cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s;" % (table, condition_str) ) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def change_mrn(self, old, new): """Edit all mrns in database Parameters ---------- old : str current mrn new : str new mrn """ condition = "mrn = '%s'" % old for table in self.tables: self.update(table, "mrn", new, condition)
[docs] def change_uid(self, old, new): """Edit study instance uids in database Parameters ---------- old : str current study instance uid new : str new study instance uid """ condition = "study_instance_uid = '%s'" % old for table in self.tables: self.update(table, "study_instance_uid", new, condition)
[docs] def delete_dvh(self, roi_name, study_instance_uid): """Delete a specified DVHs table row Parameters ---------- roi_name : str the roi name for the row to be deleted study_instance_uid : str the associated study instance uid """ self.cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM DVHs WHERE roi_name = '%s' and " "study_instance_uid = '%s';" % (roi_name, study_instance_uid) ) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def ignore_dvh(self, variation, study_instance_uid, unignore=False): """Change an uncategorized roi name to ignored so that it won't show up in the list of uncategorized rois, so that the user doesn't have to evaluate its need everytime they cleanup the misc rois imported Parameters ---------- variation : str roi name study_instance_uid : str the associated study instance uid unignore : bool, optional if set to True, sets the variation to 'uncategorized' """ physician_roi = ["ignored", "uncategorized"][unignore] self.update( "dvhs", "physician_roi", physician_roi, "roi_name = '%s' and study_instance_uid = '%s'" % (variation, study_instance_uid), )
[docs] def drop_tables(self): """Delete all tables in the database if they exist""" for table in self.tables: self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;" % table) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def drop_table(self, table): """Delete a table in the database if it exists Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table """ self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;" % table) self.cnx.commit()
[docs] def initialize_database(self): """Ensure that all of the latest SQL columns exist in the database""" create_tables_file = [CREATE_PGSQL_TABLES, CREATE_SQLITE_TABLES][ self.db_type == "sqlite" ] self.execute_file(create_tables_file)
[docs] def reinitialize_database(self): """Delete all data and create all tables with latest columns""" self.drop_tables() self.vacuum() self.initialize_database()
[docs] def vacuum(self): """Call to reclaim space in the database""" if self.db_type == "sqlite": self.cnx.isolation_level = None self.cnx.execute("VACUUM") self.cnx.isolation_level = "" else: # TODO: PGSQL VACUUM needs testing # self.cnx.execute('VACUUM') pass
[docs] def does_db_exist(self): """Check if database exists Returns ------- bool True if the database exists """ if self.db_name: line = ( "SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE " "lower(datname) = lower('%s');" % self.db_name ) self.cursor.execute(line) return bool(len(self.cursor.fetchone())) else: return True
[docs] def is_sql_table_empty(self, table): """Check if specified SQL table is empty Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table Returns ------- bool True if ``table`` is empty """ line = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s;" % table self.cursor.execute(line) count = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] return not (bool(count))
[docs] def get_unique_values(self, table, column, *condition, **kwargs): """Uses SELECT DISTINCT to get distinct values in database Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table column : str SQL column condition : str, optional Condition in SQL syntax kwargs : option to ignore null values in return Returns ------- list Unique values in table.column """ if condition and condition[0]: query = "select distinct %s from %s where %s;" % ( column, table, str(condition[0]), ) else: query = "select distinct %s from %s;" % (column, table) self.cursor.execute(query) cursor_return = self.cursor.fetchall() if "ignore_null" in kwargs and kwargs["ignore_null"]: unique_values = [str(uv[0]) for uv in cursor_return if str(uv[0])] else: unique_values = [str(uv[0]) for uv in cursor_return] unique_values.sort() return unique_values
[docs] def get_column_names(self, table_name): """Get all of the column names for a specified table Parameters ---------- table_name : str SQL table Returns ------- list All columns names in ``table_name`` """ if self.db_type == "sqlite": query = "PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % table_name.lower() index = 1 else: query = ( "select column_name from information_schema.columns where " "table_name = '%s';" % table_name.lower() ) index = 0 self.cursor.execute(query) cursor_return = self.cursor.fetchall() columns = [str(c[index]) for c in cursor_return] columns.sort() return columns
[docs] def is_sqlite_column_datetime(self, table_name, column): """Check if a sqlite column is a datetime data type Parameters ---------- table_name : str SQL table column : str SQL column Returns ------- bool True if the ``table_name.column`` store datetime data """ if self.db_type == "sqlite": query = "PRAGMA table_info(%s);" % table_name.lower() self.cursor.execute(query) cursor_return = self.cursor.fetchall() columns = {str(c[1]): str(c[2]) for c in cursor_return} if column in list(columns): column_type = columns[column] return ( "time" in column_type.lower() or "date" in column_type.lower() ) return False
[docs] def get_min_value(self, table, column, condition=None): """Get the minimum value in the database for a given table and column Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table column : str SQL column condition : str, optional Condition in SQL syntax Returns ------- any The minimum value for table.column """ return self.get_sql_function_value( "MIN", table, column, condition=condition )
[docs] def get_max_value(self, table, column, condition=None): """Get the maximum value in the database for a given table and column Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table column : str SQL column condition : str, optional Condition in SQL syntax Returns ------- any The maximum value for table.column """ return self.get_sql_function_value( "MAX", table, column, condition=condition )
[docs] def get_sql_function_value( self, func, table, column, condition=None, first_value_only=True ): """Helper function used by get_min_values and get_max_values Parameters ---------- func : SQL compatible function table : str SQL table column : str SQL column condition : str, optional Condition in SQL syntax (Default value = None) first_value_only : bool, optional if true, only return the first value, otherwise all values returned Returns ------- list, any Results of ``cursor.fetchone()`` or ``cursor.fetchone()[0]`` if ``first_value_only`` is True """ if condition: query = "SELECT %s(%s) FROM %s WHERE %s;" % ( func, column, table, condition, ) else: query = "SELECT %s(%s) FROM %s;" % (func, column, table) self.cursor.execute(query) cursor_return = self.cursor.fetchone() if first_value_only: return cursor_return[0] return cursor_return
[docs] def get_roi_count_from_query(self, uid=None, dvh_condition=None): """Counts the DVH rows that match the provided conditions Parameters ---------- uid : str, optional study instance uid dvh_condition : str, optional condition in SQL syntax for the DVHs table Returns ------- int Number of rows in the DVHs table matching the provided parameters """ if uid: condition = "study_instance_uid in ('%s')" % "', '".join( dvh_condition ) if dvh_condition: condition = " and " + condition else: condition = "" if dvh_condition: condition = dvh_condition + condition return len(self.query("DVHs", "mrn", condition))
[docs] def is_uid_imported(self, uid): """Check all tables to see if study instance uid is used Parameters ---------- uid : str study instance uid Returns ------- bool True if ``uid`` exists in any table """ for table in self.tables: if self.is_study_instance_uid_in_table(table, uid): return True return False
[docs] def is_mrn_imported(self, mrn): """Check all tables to see if MRN is used Parameters ---------- mrn : str medical record number Returns ------- bool True if ``mrn`` exists in any table """ for table in self.tables: if self.is_mrn_in_table(table, mrn): return True return False
[docs] def is_roi_imported(self, roi_name, study_instance_uid): """Check if a study is already using a specified roi name Parameters ---------- roi_name : str roi name to check study_instance_uid : str restrict search to this study_instance_uid Returns ------- bool True if ``roi_name`` is used in the DVHs table for the given ``study_instance_uid`` """ condition = "roi_name = '%s' and study_instance_uid = '%s'" % ( roi_name, study_instance_uid, ) roi_names = self.get_unique_values("DVHs", "roi_name", condition) return bool(roi_names)
[docs] def get_row_count(self, table, condition=None): """ Parameters ---------- table : str SQL table condition : str SQL condition Returns ------- int Number of rows in ``table`` meeting ``condition`` """ ans = self.query(table, "COUNT(mrn)", condition) if ans: return ans[0][0] return 0
[docs] def export_to_sqlite(self, file_path, callback=None, force=False): """Create a new SQLite database and import this database's data Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path where the new SQLite database will be created callback : callable, optional optional function to be called on each row insertion. Should accept table (str), current row (int), total_row_count (int) as parameters force : bool, optional ignore duplicate StudyInstanceUIDs if False """ config = {"host": file_path} new_cnx = DVH_SQL(config, db_type="sqlite") new_cnx.initialize_database() self.import_db(self, new_cnx, callback=callback, force=force)
[docs] @staticmethod def import_db(cnx_src, cnx_dst, callback=None, force=False): """ Parameters ---------- cnx_src : DVH_SQL the source DVHA DB connection cnx_dst : DVH_SQL the destination DVHA DB connection callback : callable, optional optional function to be called on each row insertion. Should accept table (str), current row (int), total_row_count (int) as parameters force : bool, optional ignore duplicate StudyInstanceUIDs if False """ for table in cnx_src.tables: columns = cnx_src.get_column_names(table) study_uids_1 = cnx_src.get_unique_values( table, "study_instance_uid" ) condition = None if not force: study_uids_2 = cnx_dst.get_unique_values( table, "study_instance_uid" ) study_uids_1 = list(set(study_uids_1) - set(study_uids_2)) condition = "study_instance_uid IN ('%s')" % "','".join( study_uids_1 ) total_row_count = cnx_src.get_row_count(table, condition) counter = 0 for uid in study_uids_1: study_data = cnx_src.query( table, ",".join(columns), "study_instance_uid = '%s'" % uid ) for row in study_data: if callback is not None: CallAfter(callback, table, counter, total_row_count) counter += 1 row_str = "'" + "','".join([str(v) for v in row]) + "'" row_str = row_str.replace("'None'", "NULL") cmd = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);\n" % ( table, ",".join(columns), row_str, ) cnx_dst.execute_str(cmd)
[docs] def save_to_json(self, file_path, callback=None): """Export SQL database to a JSON file Parameters ---------- file_path : str file_path to new JSON file callback : callable, optional optional function to be called on each table insertion. Should accept table_name (str), table (int), table_count (int) as parameters """ json_data = { "columns": {"categorical": categorical, "numerical": numerical} } for i, table in enumerate(self.tables): if callback is not None: CallAfter(callback, table, i, len(self.tables)) columns = self.get_column_names(table) json_data[table] = self.query( table, ",".join(columns), bokeh_cds=True ) with open(file_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(json_data, fp)
[docs] def get_ptv_counts(self): """Get number of PTVs for each study instance uid Returns ------- dict PTV counts stored by ``study_instance_uid`` """ results = self.query( "DVHs", "study_instance_uid", "roi_type like 'PTV%'" ) uids = [uid[0] for uid in results] return {uid: uids.count(uid) for uid in list(set(uids))}
[docs]def truncate_string(input_string, character_limit): """Used to truncate a string to ensure it may be imported into database Parameters ---------- input_string : str string to be truncated character_limit : int the maximum number of allowed characters Returns ------- str truncated string """ if len(input_string) > character_limit: return input_string[0 : (character_limit - 1)] return input_string
[docs]def echo_sql_db(config=None, db_type="pgsql", group=1): """Echo the database using stored or provided credentials Parameters ---------- config : dict, optional database login credentials db_type : str, optional either 'pgsql' or 'sqlite' group : int, optional either group 1 or 2 Returns ------- bool True if echo is successful """ try: if config: if db_type == "pgsql" and ( "dbname" not in list(config) or "port" not in list(config) ): return False cnx = DVH_SQL(config, db_type=db_type, group=group) else: cnx = DVH_SQL(group=group) cnx.close() return True except Exception as e: if type(e) not in [ psycopg2.OperationalError, sqlite3.OperationalError, ]: push_to_log(e, msg="Unknown Error during SQL Echo") return False
[docs]def write_test( config=None, db_type="pgsql", group=1, table=None, column=None, value=None ): """Write test data to database, verify with a query Parameters ---------- config : dict, optional database login credentials db_type : str, optional either 'pgsql' or 'sqlite' group : int, optional either group 1 or 2 table : str, optional SQL table column : str, optional SQL column value : str, optional test value Returns ------- dict Write and Read test statuses """ try: if config: if db_type == "pgsql" and ( "dbname" not in list(config) or "port" not in list(config) ): return None cnx = DVH_SQL(config, db_type=db_type, group=group) else: cnx = DVH_SQL(group=group) except Exception as e: push_to_log( e, msg="Write Test: Connection to SQL could not be established" ) return {"write": False, "delete": False} try: cnx.initialize_database() except Exception as e: push_to_log(e, msg="Write Test: DVH_SQL.initialize_database failed") if table is None: table = cnx.tables[-1] if column is None: column = "mrn" if value is None: # Find a test value that does not exist in the database value_init = "SqlTest_" i = 0 value = value_init + str(i) current_values = cnx.get_unique_values(table, column) while value in current_values: value = value_init + str(i) i += 1 condition_str = "%s = '%s'" % (column, value) insert_cmd = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES ('%s');" % (table, column, value) delete_cmd = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s;" % (table, condition_str) try: cnx.execute_str(insert_cmd) except Exception as e: push_to_log(e, msg="Write Test: SQL test insert command failed") try: test_return = cnx.query(table, column, condition_str) write_test_success = len(test_return) > 0 except Exception as e: write_test_success = False push_to_log(e, msg="Write Test: SQL query of test insert failed") if not write_test_success: delete_test_success = None else: try: cnx.execute_str(delete_cmd) test_return = cnx.query(table, column, condition_str) delete_test_success = len(test_return) == 0 except Exception as e: delete_test_success = False push_to_log( e, msg="Write Test: SQL delete command of test insert failed" ) try: cnx.close() except Exception as e: push_to_log(e, msg="Write Test: Failed to close SQL connection") return {"write": write_test_success, "delete": delete_test_success}
[docs]def initialize_db(): """Initialize the database""" with DVH_SQL() as cnx: cnx.initialize_database()
[docs]def is_file_sqlite_db(sqlite_db_file): """Check if file is a sqlite database Parameters ---------- sqlite_db_file : str path to file to be checked Returns ------- bool True if ``sqlite_db_file`` is a sqlite database """ if isfile(sqlite_db_file): try: cnx = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db_file) cnx.close() return True except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass return False